Friday, June 7, 2013

Check out the lists of links over there -->

Illustrators in SCBWI-Michigan, blogs of the other regions of SCBWI, illustration-focus sites, writing-focus sites; there's a lot over there and I've just started.
If you should be on one of the link lists, let me know!

If there isn't something there that surprises you and shows you something new, I'm not doing my job. So let me know what links to add.

If you're not in SCBWI but are curious, WELCOME!!
Here's the main SCBWI site:
For a relatively small annual fee ($80, last I checked) you get access to resources that will boost your writing and illustration -- and your access to editors and agents.

I got published because I went to a national SCBWI conference and came home dejected and anxious to learn what I was missing. I started a new story just days after getting off the plane. An agent ( found me. The book sold a few months later. Now it's a series.
All because fellow writers and illustrators encouraged me, the SCBWI conference motivated me, and Tomie dePaola (a member of the SCBWI Board of Directors) inspired me to go.
Everybody's path to publication is different. SCBWI can help you stay on the path, it can help clear the brush out of the way, and it'll be there to celebrate with you when you hit the big milestones.

So, join SCBWI. Then connect with the writers and illustrators around you.                

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